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About Sunland Waldorf Melaka

A Place to Shine

Sunland Waldorf is a mixed-age class for 3-6 years old. It resembles a collective family life. In a mixed-age atmosphere, the elder ones’ takes care of the younger ones’ while the younger ones’ respect the elder ones. This makes children feel the love and warmth just like a family. The elder ones gain confidence and joy from helping others.

Early Childhood (0 – 7 years):

Tremendous life forces are present in the first seven years and the early experience is crucial for adulthood in many aspects. The small child, up to the age of 6/7, is essentially imitative. The period of imitation ends with the second dentition. Up till then, the child has an unconditional trust in the world; it identifies with its surroundings. It is the age of total openness to the world. The child absorbs all which is around him or her. They do things calmly and accordingly such as cooking, crafting, cleaning and painting. It is the through their own acting which stimulates their enthusiasm in participating. By imitating, they are learning whatever the teachers do. Instead of just letting the children do things that make them happy, teachers will try to show them the real life in order to teach them how to take care of the environment and how to interact with each other. Through this, they will slowly learn how to respect the others and be grateful.

Meanwhile, the teachers will respect each of their individual development while guiding them and giving them warmth and respect. This allows children to be nourished in the atmosphere full of love.




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